good times
This morning, our extended family headed into Portland, and Ezra, Jamie and I explored the coast. We had such an amazing time with all the cousins (and Ezra's Aunt and Uncle!), and we were a touch sad to see them all go. But at the same time, now we can just let the days (and the naps) happen as they may.And speaking of, we really needed those naps to fall into place today because Ezra was up every hour ALL NIGHT LONG with an upset stomach last night. Don't worry, he's feeling much, much better now. But we were a bit like zombies today. So what did we do? We tackled the laundry, had a picnic on the beach, drove down to Manzanita and took in the sights and watched part of The Grand Budapest Hotel. Overall, a pretty great day.In Manzanita, the clouds were magnificent, and I shot a few images of the beach and the kite surfers out on the water -- that's the photo up top, if you're wondering what those black specks are in the sky and on the water.Also, the drive to Manzanita goes by my very favorite spot in the U.S. (yes, it's true), so I took more photos of it. If you've ever been to my home, the I have a similar shot from my last visit hanging above my fireplace. It's below.
I mean, really. Is that not amazing?And lastly, Jamie took some images of Ezra and I on the beach tonight during our dinner picnic. I tend to object to my own photo being taken, particularly after a night where I got no more than 1.5 hours of consecutive sleep. But I had to post this one because my kid is just too dang adorable. Sorry.
That's it. No internet share today because I'm beat and heading off to bed. Please send me all the good sleep juju you can muster!