monday at the madhouse // the kid meets the ocean
What a weekend! On Saturday, we left bright and early and flew with Ezra to Portland, where we then rented a car and headed west to the coast. It was an amazing day. First off, it was my birthday. Yes, I am now 40. With an infant. Life is funny.Second, it was Jamie's first Father's Day weekend! So we wanted to make it special, and man did we win at that.We managed to keep Ez completely entertained on the 3.5-hour flight on Saturday (a modern-day miracle, or the best gift ever), and he was in a super great mood, charming the flight attendants like crazy. Then we drove into the city and grabbed a quick lunch at this AMAZING middle eastern restaurant where Ezra had schwarma for the first time (which he loved just like his parents).And then we were off to the coast! The drive was STUNNING, and we took in the amazing views along with the amazing road-side fruit stands (strawberries for days, I tell you).
Once we got to the cottage, it was only 3:30 in the afternoon thanks to the time zone (we fit a LOT into this birthday, I tell you). So we settled into the place (Ezra loves the bed), and then we met up with Jamie's brother and sister-in-law and all the cousins. Oh man, did we have fun!
So far, we've all eaten a lot of pizza, a lot of berries and had a lot of delicious wine. There have been games of badminton (the above photo is Jamie beating his brother, but then they put money on the game and Brother Steve took over), movies watched, boogie boarding on the beach, amazing meals at fancy restaurants and delicious birthday cake.
Ezra is completely enamored by all of his cousins, but Emma here seems to have stolen his heart as he cannot keep his eyes off of her. It's adorable.
Here he is hanging out with Eloise. We realized on this trip that I was Eloise's age the first time I met her, and she was Ezra's age. Crazy.
And his Aunt Amanda who makes him super happy...
Here is Cousin Johnny making a very important call in the badminton game.
Ezra loves playing with Uncle Steve's hat.
Here is Eloise and Theo watching the competition.
Emma and Ezra again, hamming it up.
The beach here is just as lovely as the last time we visited. And it's pretty empty, which I love. Having this much gorgeous space to ourselves in June is such a treat.
I love this shot of Johnny heading out to boogie board.
And this was my favorite moment of the weekend, when Jamie and Ezra napped together on Father's Day. Oh man. These guys bring me so much happiness.