great white north


0107frostsmSo we're all a little chilly, eh? To be honest, I haven't left the house since Saturday. Lucky for me, this cold snap began right when all of my "time to process in front of the computer all day" work began, so the only outdoor time I've really had has been letting the dogs out.But I'm glad it's about to break because I am missing my walks and fresh air.This shot was taken from my bedroom window this morning. Don't worry, the frost gathered on the storm window, so we're still all nice and cozy inside.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to a story about a naked man who was found trapped inside a washing machine. He got there by playing hide and seek with his lady friend. Oh, the embarrassment! At least my cabin fever hasn't reached those heights yet!Also! Today is my father's 65th birthday! So let's all send him warm wishes, eh?