meet fitzgerald theodore!


08smOne of my best friends had a baby last night! This is Fitz and his fabulous parents at the hospital this morning when he was about 10 hours old.Last night around 10:30 pm I was getting texts from my pal Stacy here saying that she was ready to start pushing. In my mind, and everything that I've heard about how long childbirth takes, I figured she's pop out this little boy around 6 am, so I set my alarm early and hit the hay. And then I woke up to a text that  he had been born at 12:30 am! Only two hours of childbirth! YOU LUCKY LADY, YOU!!Anyway, this guy was so sweet and calm and quiet today -- I really hope he hangs on to that adorable demeanor.Watching friends you adore expand their family is pretty rad.For your internet share of the day, how about pictures of people playing golf on top of doughnuts?