hello lake tahoe


03newsmWe drove into Lake Tahoe this afternoon, and unsurprisingly, it's stunning. The water is so clear and so blue... It's really quite lovely. And y'all should see this mansion place where we're staying! The bride and groom rented this house... I think it has 8 bedrooms? 10 bedrooms? A million bathrooms? At least three staircases? I swear, I'm gonna find a secret passageway before I leave.As I write this, I'm sitting in front of a big fire while others make s'mores. Life is good.Anyway, we arrived today a little after three, and we decided to drive around the lake and see all the sights. We were a touch naive in thinking it would take about an hour (it took at least two), but hey! Great photos!You can see the full set over here. The wedding is tomorrow, so those photos will be a touch different than these. Enjoy!