kevin and amy, married


0921amysmToday was my Lake Tahoe wedding! And it rained all day long. It even snowed a little! And we saw a bear! Thank the lord this couple is easy going and flexible, because today required it tenfold, and they delivered. We moved the ceremony indoors (which turned out to be lovely) and we cancelled a gondola ride and the schedule was completely thrown off, but none of it mattered. All of the guests pitched in to make it all work seamlessly and everyone was so happy. It was really cool to see.After the wedding, the rain stopped (for about 10 minutes) so I rushed the couple outside the cabin for a few shots. And yes, right as I started this one, the rain began again. But I still love them surrounded by those amazingly tall trees. Tomorrow we head back to Sacramento for one evening to see the rest of the nieces and nephews -- and then it's back to Minneapolis. What a wonderful weekend!No internet share today -- too tired from working. I'll try to put something extra special in later this week to make up for it! Just sit back and enjoy your Sunday!