holiday weekend
We had a pretty amazing holiday.The first thing you should know is that we decided this was the time for potty training bootcamp. Because of this, we stayed home (near a bathroom) all weekend long, which turns out to be perfect when you are surrounded by delicious food and new toys.And so far? It's going well.I don't want to jinx us with any specifics, but we're pretty happy so far. We'll see how the rest of the week at school goes though -- that will be the true test. This is very much a journey and not just a short weekend thing, but we think a potty trained kid might be the very best gift we could get this holiday weekend.So besides lots of talk about using the bathroom for the last two days, we spent time reading by the fire, making Hannuka latkes (yum!), watching Rudolph, opening gifts, eating meatballs and lots of playing with toys. All while Magda chewed on new bones and carried around new stuffed animals. Everyone was happy, and we are so blessed to have all this love in our lives. Here are a few more photos.
I don't have any real internet shares, but I was very sad about the passing of George Michael. I loved his music so much, and this year just continues to bewilder us with loss. I suggest we all go watch my very favorite video of his right here. And feel free to get up and dance, I know I will.