Oh hi there!


scotchdecday47493wI forgot to blog yesterday. Well, I didn't *forget,* per se. More like I got home, made dinner, put the kid to bed, called my mom and sat down on the couch for a minute. And then I woke up ten hours later.But hot damn did that feel good.We wrapped up the big photo shoot yesterday, and apparently it took a bit more out of me than I thought. But that said, I woke up this morning with my cold almost gone (finally), so that rest was much needed.Today, I'm back in the office finishing up some final touches on my 2016 shoots before turning off the computer and starting the Giant Gift-Wrapping Project of 2016. And I should be clear, I don't have that a lot to wrap. Jamie and I decided not to get each other much this year and instead to put our holiday budget into charity giving to Planned Parenthood, the Sierra Club, the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center. But we still have lots of small gifts for Ezra, so I need to get started on those.The image above is of one of the many crew members working on set. I love the motion blur and the color palette here.For your internet shares of the day:+ I'm making this for Christmas dinner.+ I would wear this dress a lot, I think.+ Are you marching on Washington in January? I'm still pondering it, but finding places to stay has proven more difficult than I thought.+ Here's one for the ladies.+ This letter to the president made me happy. (Randomly, I also wrote to the president in November and received my response last week. While I know it was likely a form letter, getting mail addressed to you from this particular White House is exciting. Getting mail from the next White House would be exciting in a different way (like, burn down the house, let's get the F outta here).