Perfect Picnics


Post by Lucy

I hope you had a chance to pick up a copy of last week's City Pages - I had a ton of fun shooting the cover photo and feature images for the very summer-y Ultimate Minnesota Picnic story (you can also read it all here!).This was a rather extensive shoot with several picnic arrangements around various themes (kid friendly, date picnic, vegan options, etc.) - with each requiring different styling (done by myself, the CP art director, and various staff writers). This would have all gone extremely smoothly, except for the day we needed to shoot is was 95 degrees and there were rain showers every 30 minutes. So, while I think the end product turned out very well, there was a *ton* of behind-the-scenes scrambling going on. But those moments are where the memories are made, right?Anyway, I hope the article, and these photos give you some picnic inspiration! We had all better take advantage of this lovely warm weather while we have it around.Happy Friday!