kate and kyle get married


48That up there is Kate and Kyle, and I spent last Saturday morning with them... as they prepared for their top secret wedding (!!!). Are you giddy already? Because I was.I shot it 100% in black and white, and I came home with the BIGGEST GRIN ON MY FACE. It was so much fun and such a challenge and, just in general, it made my day. Plus? I'm not gonna lie, just taking photos of the couple getting ready and seeing each other for the first time and then going home to see my family for the day was pretty awesome. The getting ready part is maybe my favorite bit of photographing weddings, and it's always more fun when you know the couple and man did I have a great time. Can you tell?More photos below to enjoy. And remember, if you want me to shoot YOUR wedding (or your friend's or whatever), you get $500 off if I get to do it in all black and white like this one. I'm just sayin'.6302050607011013141724573860 63 65 33 41 44 49