let the games begin!


post by leslie

Ok! I know most of you started work again LAST week with the  normal population, but for those of us with children on the longest winter break of our lives, today marks the fresh start we've been waiting for! My kid got to school on time, I have worked out, I have practiced the piano and now I'm back at my desk ready for exciting things!Winter break was a lot of fun for us (I'll post more about it later this week), but it's also time to dig into all my work resolutions! And I'm excited about that!Today I'm showing you photos of Marlowe, Bizzie and JoJo. Marlow, the handsome, sweet, kind, and always-ready-to-please boy up top, is nearing the end of his time with us on planet earth, and his moms wanted him captured. I was so honored they brought him in -- he was a real delight to work with.And his nuttier siblings also were hilarious and fun to meet! Photos of the whole gang below!For your internet shares of the day:+ In case you haven't read about ordering crickets online yet, this made me snort water out of my nose and I highly suggest it.+ White people: Please be the first.+ Can you say dream job?