
Post by Lucy

Hello from NYC! I am on a little trip out east, and am so happy to be here! My brother and sister-in-law live in the city, along with a couple old friends, so I try to make it out here at least once a year to visit them. The last few years I have also been working for my brother, and his business partners, taking photos at their various restaurants and catering companies (talk about a dream job!). They have four spots in Manhattan - The Wild Son, Goodnight Sonny, The Lost Lady and The Wayland. And, they are branching out into catering with Cocktails in Motion.These images I shot yesterday for the catering brand. Today, I'll be heading to the Wayland, Lost Lady and Goodnight Sonny to shoot some updated menu items -- it'll be busy, but it's so fun working with their teams that it's hard to even call this work!While I am not shooting, it's been wonderful just wandering around the city, stopping into shops and museums, people watching, etc. I've been to a comedy show at UCB, heading to a jazz club tomorrow, dinner out at a new restaurant tonight...It's always hard to pick what to do with everything going on here. For now, I am going to log off now and head out for a run in Prospect Park before jumping in to a full day of photography!