living the dream


0821glasssmOh kids, today was so dang fun. Seriously.I am working on a project that had me photographing an artisan glass blower this morning (he was making those beauties above!) and then some textile artists and then some candle makers and man, can I just photograph craftsmen all day long?? I learned so much and I now have SUCH a deep appreciation for every glass in my cupboard. What a fun day!Also? The glass blower's studio is in the original General Mill's factory, and what a cool spot THAT was! I could have explored all day long. Oh, and one more thing, should you, my dear reader, ever find yourself visiting a glass studio, I suggest you wear shorts and a tank top because holy hell was it hot in there.For my internet share of the day, I'm sending you over to an article that reiterates why I left Florida. The story details a man who attacked his mother's boyfriend with a SAMURAI SWORD because he had eaten the last of the CANNED SHRIMP. (Ew) We can all laugh out loud together on this one.