oh my dog


0822merlinsmIsn't he the cutest? And it's a good thing, because he's not supposed to be on the couch without an invitation. And this is how I found him when I came downstairs from work today to get the mail. And he doesn't even look like he feels guilty!? Still, adorable. I will totally keep him.Today was full of photo processing, invoicing, "supervising" the installation of a brand-spanking-new hot water heater (let's not get into how much that cost, mmmkay?) along with way more cleaning than I've done in the last few months because my parents arrive tomorrow. That's right, Gay-Boo and J-Bird will be camping out at the Plessers. And you guys, Magda is so excited for STRANGERS! STRANGERS WHO SPEND THE  NIGHT! I hope the parents are ready for this girl.For your internet share of the day, I found this fabulous designed cookie/cake packaging. Each package is cut differently so the cookie looks like a different phase of the moon!!!!! There are not enough exclamation points to express how excited this made me. I mean, we all know that there are certain things I totally geek out about: Sci-Fi, Cheesy vampire tv shows (but NOT True Blood -- hate that one), dogs (obvs), SPACE STUFF, and Robert Downey Jr. (and Tim Riggins). And it's not often you see a combo of space stuff and baked goods, am I right? And I'm gonna give you a BONUS INTERNET SHARE OF THE DAY! Because it's related, and I like everyone to be smart about space stuff. Check out this site that shows you the size of the moon in comparison to the U.S. Way smaller than you thought, eh?