

0607lushwThe weather this past weekend was a bit nuts. It would rain one minute and then the sun would be pouring in the next minute and then it would rain while the sun was still out! I had a shoot that evening, but I didn't offer to cancel or postpone because I felt like we would get enough dry time with as weird as the weather was being. And I was right! While it wasn't *sunny,* it didn't rain the entire shoot and the clouds were fantastic. I snapped this image on the way back to the car because I love the slope of the hill and how green and lush Minnesota is right now. And it smelled delicious!And here are my internet shares to entertain you:+ Would you let your 3 year old go on a weekend getaway without you? I'm actually charmed by this.+ I am totally making/inhaling this for breakfast.+ These photographs of our president are just phenomenal.+ Did you know you can rent Julia Child's french cottage?