morning meetings


0607coffeewThis week I had a meeting at 7:30 am (see? I rise super early for more than just sunrise photo shoots...), and we decided to try out the new Spyhouse in the North Loop. I truly love the decor of this place, and I could work here for hours. But it's also a great spot to go over details of the weekend's wedding with a new second shooter.The only piece of this place that clearly does not fit is that menu board by the cash register with all the neon writing. White chalk on a blackboard would be much more on brand. But seriously, that's a pretty small nitpick.For your internet shares of the day:+ I have been listening to this Beck song a LOT on repeat. I want a full album like this, please.+ This essay about the gorilla and the parents and the kid and, you know, things called accidents really got me thinking. The author talks about how the internet likes to blame everyone when they don't know the facts, but I surmise this whole phenomena originated with the 24-hour-news-cycle (which I believe is the heart of most things evil).+ And on a more uplifting note, Trader Joe's employees list out their favorite frozen meals. As someone who literally threw a Trader Joe's party when the first one opened in Minneapolis, this excites me.