makin' mama proud


handswMy amazing lighting assistant snapped this today while I was working on that red bow. The reason this photo pleased me so much is that you wouldn't think I would know much about making bows. But this is a pretty great skill that my mom taught me as a kid. She worked as a florist for a while, and so our holiday gifts were always wrapped so beautifully with large bows and all kinds of pretty details, and one year she taught me how to really work with ribbon.Anyway, today the crew was having a hard time with the bow for this wreath, so I volunteered, and it worked out great. You never know when your random life skills will come in handy (the finished bow looked a gazillion times better than it does above). Plus? I like seeing my hands at work on set. It makes me feel like I'm contributing.For your internet shares of the day:+ I loved this look from the streets of NYC during fashion week.+ This recipe seems perfect for fall, no?+ Scroll down to see invisible fish!