back at my desk


22wI'm back at my desk*, finishing up photos from my baby sessions last week and digging into my shots for 3M from this week. There is a lot of time at the computer and a lot of podcast/music finding happening in the background.This past week was a bit of a whirlwind for me. I spent 35 hours behind the camera (Which is WAY more than normal, btw. Life as a photographer is about 20% shooting and 80% computer work), and then squeezed in minimal email correspondence and blogging at night after putting the spawn to sleep. Today is my first attempt at "catching up" on my email, photo processing, invoicing, project bids and, you know, laundry. Also? There were taxes due (whoo!). And I broke my pinky toe (ouch!). But on the up side, I purchased a ticket to New Orleans where I'm photographing a wedding in black and white in December. Seriously, pinch me! I am so excited for that.Needless to say, the internet shares are a bit few and far between today due to the workload. But here you go:+ I am loving this new album by Beach Slang.+ I want to read this book, "The Tetris Effect." Because that is still one of my favorite games ever.+ This list of 37 local foods that will ship world wide is fantastic. My go-tos are Salt Lick BBQ and Jeni's Ice Cream, but I am intrigued by lobster rolls from Maine...*Also please note this post was written on Thursday as I am NOT at my desk today, Friday, Sept 16, as that is Ezra's second birthday! So as you read this, I am probably eating pizza or playing with construction toys or something like that. Birthdays where actual birthing of babies is not involved are pretty great.