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0323leopardswI'm heading out to do some shooting this afternoon, but I wanted to blog beforehand so I could collapse onto the couch tonight and veg out. Ever need a night like that? I do. I've been working out more in the mornings this week, and I'm so stiff and sore that not only am I going to meld into the sofa, but I think I'll have a heating pad beneath me.This fighting against getting old and creaky is hard work!Anyway, I was flipping through some archives, and this photo of the leopards from a few weeks back really made me pause. It's almost like a mirror reflection! The leopard on the left is the father and the one on the right is the daughter. And look at that long and fluffy tail!For your internet share of the day, my mother-in-law makes amazing mandel bread, and this recipe is inspiring me to try it out myself. Enjoy!