monday at the madhouse // one week left
What a week! We have full on belly laughter happening these days, along with several three hour naps! But mainly, this is the last week before Ezra here starts daycare. I'm gonna miss this little guy so much during the days. But, (deep breaths), it will be really good to get my own life back. In the meantime, I'm going to try to just enjoy these last few days while I can.
Of course, we had lots of airplane time. And lots of drool.
One day last week, I thought it would be fun to "fingerpaint" with Ezra. I just added some food dye to some yogurt, thinned it up with some water and let him at it. Obviously I am naive in that I didn't expect it to end up on the face or in the hair. Lesson learned.
Snapped this while Meredith was watching Ezra last week.
Ezra met Diggs this week. I love how he's resting his hand on that big, adorable Boxer.
Leah was off to the left smiling at Ezra when I snapped this. He's kinda smitten with my beautiful lady friends.
We also have been playing with scarves during the day. He loves the way they feel when they brush his face, and I have tons of bright, colorful vintage scarves.
These last two make ma laugh so hard. This is what Ezra looks like when he's nervous. Ha!