three weeks old


2katiesmMy pal Katie had an adorable baby boy three weeks ago, and today I finally got to meet the cutie! You guys, he was so light! It is so crazy when I get to meet babies that are smaller than Ezra was when he was born. They seem soooo much tinier (and easier to carry). Plus, I really enjoyed how this little munchkin wasn't trying to pull out my hair or earrings when I held him (despite his lovely, long fingers!). And word on the street is that he's sleeping in large chunks already. Think he could come over to my house and teach the smallest Plesser a trick or two? Hmm?But honestly, while it's super fun to meet new babies, it was more fun to catch up with my friend and see how she's holding up as a mother of two. Not only is Katie just an amazing, hardworking lady (she was on the phone working when I arrived!), but she manages to make it all seem easy and glamorous while doing it (no easy feat, I tell you). It was a nice break in my work-filled afternoon.And? I finally managed to whip up some Internet shares for you :) First, how about the teaser trailer for the new Bond movie? I know it's a few weeks old, but that doesn't make it any less fun.Also? Jeni's ice cream (THE BEST IN THE WORLD) has a new line of flavors inspired by art! I LOVE THIS! And lastly, it's national letter writing month, which I am ALL for. Here are some pretty notecards for the occasion!