monday at the madhouse // teething again
I caught these two napping this weekend while I was cleaning up the kitchen. I noticed it was *awfully quiet* in the living room (Ezra was officially napping upstairs) and when I walked in, this is what I found. It's hard to tell in this image, but I shot this from above -- they are both on their sides facing the back of the couch. I love these two so dang much.
As for the boy? He is Señor Crankypantz this week. We were so lucky for all that sleep last week, because now (apparently) there is another tooth coming in and we are back to waking up several times a night and soothing this poor guy who is having a hard time enjoying life. We even took him to his first holiday party today where beautiful women plied him with cookies, and he still wouldn't smile. I MEAN, COME ON. (At least he had a sharp outfit on, though eh?)
Let's try to forget about the teething though and focus on the fun. Like those two smoochers up there.
Or how Ezra slid down the slide by himself today. About 15 times. Because once he realized he could do it on his own? His world changed and he was thrilled.
Plus, he got to explore this elf cave at the park. What a great fort!
And he got to sit on this spinning chair with Dad!
Magda was great at the park, just watching the other dogs walk by. Very alert, but very quiet. Which we would like more of, please.
And then it was time to leave and someone was very upset about this. Ah well, at least there was that nice moment on the slide...For your internet share how about this article on the 10 best ways to fake a clean house. My favorite? Put all the dirty dishes in the oven. Ha!