this guy!
This is Flint. He stole my heart this weekend.His mom is growing a human baby right now, and she wanted some photos of her favorite eldest child for the nursery. Oh, I had so much fun on this project. Here are a few of my favorite shots from our session.I also didn't take any live photos today because... because I *did* take live photos for the Star Tribune and I'm not allowed to share them. Yet. You'll see them later.And besides being out on assignment, I was finishing my holiday shopping. Which was insanely busy, but also insanely successful. You know what impulse item I got for
myself Shuttersmack today? An awesome Santa suit!Now I only need to find someone to play santa, and we might have some fun holiday sessions next year... fingers crossed...
And for your internet shares today, how about some amazing drink recipes for the holidays, eh? I'm thinking of trying some sort of punch this year. We'll see. I'm also including this peek into a beautiful NYC apartment. I love seeing how New Yorkers make the most of their space. This is lovely. And lastly, I'm loving this instagram feed.