monday with magda // happy labor day from the hell beast


0901mwmsmHappy Labor Day from Magda! Magda, who has been a complete angel all week until today when she has been on several barking rampages, several digging rampages, has stolen toys from the nursery and in general seems a little angry at the world. I have no idea what happened between yesterday and today, but man is she pissed off about it. So she's out on a long walk with the man right now (whew!) and hopefully that will mellow her out a bit.Merlin? He's the gentlest of giants and I'm gonna walk him after I post this since I'm apparently the speed of an 11-year-old arthritic collie right now. And let's be real, I'm winded keeping up with him at this point. But I'll waddle along. We make quite the couple.For your internet share of the day, I adore this poster mapping out all the legends of lake monsters throughout the United States. As someone who has always dreamed of spying Nessie in the Loch Ness, this is super fun!