ready and waiting.
Many of you have sent me notes wanting to see Kid Plesser's room, and I'm happy to report that we are finally done, and we are just waiting on the kid itself. A few notes: First, yes, I am fully aware that it will probably not continue to look like this once Junior arrives. But I might as well live in my fantasy for a little while longer, eh? And two, I know that sheepskin is just asking for a big poop or vomit smear. I will likely remove it once the kid is actually in place, but for blogging purposes it fits my aesthetic WAY better than the ugly Fisher Price color scheme. Seriously. Someone design beautiful swings/rockers/bassinets etc.So in this photo above, you have the crib which was gifted/loaned to us by über generous friends, the glider which was gifted to us by my über generous mother-in-law, the side table from Target and the mobile (LOVE THAT!!!!) gifted from my pals Stacy and Andrea (you can find it on Etsy).Also, this is the brightest room in the whole house (which should prove awesome for photos, ahem), but because of that we have blackout roller blinds that we bought for the windows, and then thin curtains in front to diffuse light when we do want it. Window treatments galore!
Here is the other corner of the room. Oh by the way, NICE FLOORS, EH? Yeah, Jamie rocked that. And that rug is from Target, and it is awesome. I was smitten with that dresser because it's the exact height of our kitchen counters, meaning we don't have to bend way over to change diapers. That's important for us tall folk.
This side of the room is decidedly more "kid." I had the bookshelf in my old office, and it was stained a very dark, dark wood. I hired my friend Kim to repaint it the colors of the nursery to make it more whimsical and matchy. And then? She surprised me with that AWESOME round mirror above the table on the right. It's an old slide carousel and she painted it the matching yellow and put a mirror in the middle! So creative, that one! Plus, I love it that it's a slide carousel because it reminds me of Don Draper :)The photo above the bookshelf is from our cabin trip in July, and behind that I have 5-6 prints from different trips we took while I was knocked up that I can rotate out. The poster on the right is one of my favorite designs by the amazingly talented Brian Danaher, and it's from Vampire Weekend's show at the Triple Rock years ago (which I dragged Jamie to). While I do like Vampire Weekend a lot, it got in the room because of the design and color palette more than the music. But whatever. Maybe we'll have amazing Vampire Weekend dance parties in this room later.
This is just a close up of that dog mobile I love so much.
On the side table I have these AWESOME kids books that a former coworker gifted to me -- aren't they gorgeous!? And that wooden camera was from friends too! Fun! And that's the magical Ikea lamp that makes the room look all starry.
Over on the bookshelf are toys and books that have been given to us. Seriously you guys, I think in this whole room I only bought the rug and the dresser. My friends are all kinds of generous. Oh wait, I also bought the diaper pail ;)Don't you love these wooden blocks? They have the french word for each animal! (My dad is barfing right now.)
And finally, this piece of artwork is from Aesthetic Apparatus. We bought it many, many, many years ago thinking "This would be cool if we ever had a kid!" And it sat in our basement for ... a very long time. And now it's out! And the best part? IT GLOWS IN THE DARK.So that's it! Lemme know if you have any questions!For your internet share of the day, I thought this article on a theory behind the rise in food allergies in kids was fascinating.