my girl


0922magdawIt has been pretty dark and rainy here in Minnesota the past few days, and we Plesser girls are just fine with that. It means open windows, cool breezes, warm coffee, snuggling under blankets and listening to Jonsi while we work.I'm also taking some serious snuggle time with the vizsla lately because, in honest terms, Ezra is being a prick to her. The toddler has figured out that she is the only one in his life who is lower on the totem pole (or so he thinks), and he is bossing her around all the time, yelling at her and throwing things at her. She takes it well and just saunters off, but it is making *me* angry at this point. Which makes me love her more. Which makes him more jealous. Oh this raising a toddler is gonna be FUN isn't it?Anyway, while the boys are at work/school, we try to enjoy the peace as much as we can. That means I get caught up on work at the computer and Magda naps in Ezra's room, making sure to cover his things in her fur. Well played, my dear.For your internet shares:+ I am totally going to this movie. It might be the first Jennifer Lawrence film that I am excited for!+ This interview with Obama is long, but so, so good.+ A perfectly preserved shipwreck called the USS Terror. Yeah. There's gonna be a movie.+ The Strib's fall arts guide is out and Sigur Ros is coming and I didn't know and this rock I'm living under is larger than I thought.