at the orchard


0923applespHappy Autumn, guys! To celebrate, I took Ezra to one of the many amazing apple orchards there are around here. There were corn mazes and tractor rides and a petting zoo and apples to pick (obviously) and apple DONUTS and a train-themed playground and a hay bale mountain and wow is this kid paradise or WHAT?And the best part was that when we arrived there was no one in the admissions booth. Because I am a nerd, I waited for 5 minutes before just shrugging my shoulders and walking in for free. I didn't feel *that* bad about it though because due to Ezra's short legs and short attention span, we only saw about a third of the features. But we still had a blast.I was glad we could get out and do something fun this morning since I'm shooting a wedding all day tomorrow and the boys will be on their own adventure. But... I am pretty excited about this wedding, I must admit.So that's what we're up to this weekend! I hope you guys have fun things planned as well. Here are your internet shares!+ There are many, many, many reasons I'm not voting for the orange man, but this is at the top of the list.+ These are fantastic career tips. Truly.+ How to get dinner on the table every night after work.