my lucky charm


leahwYesterday, Leah up there geared up for the weather and drove an hour away with me to search for my phone in the woods. That right there is a true friend, people.We had so much fun chatting and catching up on the drive, and then we got there and I told her where I thought the phone might be. We hiked out to the area and I turned to her and said something like, "So this is where I did a lot of the shooting -- " and she interrupted me, pointed at the ground under a nearby tree and said, "Look! There it is!" Just like that. We were there for like 10 minutes max (and 9 of those minutes were spent hiking from the car).I could have kissed her, I was so thrilled! We all need good luck charms like Leah in our lives.To celebrate, we then went to Kramarczuk's for lunch (yum!).Also, after much testing and watching and waiting, I determined that our Christmas tree stand is not, in fact leaking! Yay! It turns out that my sleep deprived husband or myself (who is obviously sleep deprived as well), must have just poured an entire pitcher of water into the space between the tree skirt and the tree holder instead of, um, in the holder where the water belongs. See? I am not exaggerating when I talk about our exhaustion. Dear Ezra: YOU NEED TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT NOW.Ok! Now for your internet share of the day! I love photo contests and gazing at the winners, but I really loved these because No. 4 was taken with an iPhone out an airplane window. Amazing! Also, I loved this artwork made from typewriters.