roasting veggies


1204yumwMmmmm... fall cooking. Am I right?Last night, I had my good buddy Margaret over for dinner and a business meeting. You see, she's redesign my website, and I cannot wait to show you what it looks like! It should be ready to go right around the new year (fingers crossed!). If you've ever designed (or redesigned) a website, you know this is a big deal. It's so much more work than anyone anticipates... especially when it involves things like a daily blog, many portfolio galleries and archives of old galleries and posts. I'm sortof a pain-in-the-ass that way.However, my web guru just rolls with it, proving again how great it is to have her on my team.Aaaaanyway, back to the food! I wanted to offer the lady a hearty meal, so I roasted up three pans of winter veggies (butter and thyme were used generously) and then we used them in a hearty and delicious salad which I will share the recipe to later, I promise. I know it's been awhile since I had any recipes on here, and I'm gonna fix that. But it's gonna have to wait until next week because I want to take a photo of dressing being poured onto the salad, and I don't have anyone to do that while I shoot during daylight hours.Complications! I know!And you know what else? Tonight I'm gonna get to photograph a rap show! I KNOW! IT'S LIKE MY OLD LIFE IS COMING BACK TO ME! I am super excited :) You'll get to see those photos next week as well (or tomorrow morning in the Star Tribune, if you so desire).For your internet share of the day, I liked this post on things you should do at least once a year for yourself. Happy weekend, everybody!