new and old
It was a chilly morning full of drizzle, but I still took Magda for her daily walk, which she appreciated greatly. She was on the hunt.You see, when I looked out the window first thing this morning, there were two ducks in our front yard! I, of course, grabbed my camera, but they had wandered down the block by the time I found a fresh battery and memory card. And since I was still in my jammies, I wasn't ready to go that far yet.Anyway, the point was that Magda saw them as well and was itching to get outside. So after my workout, I threw on my sneakers, grabbed my camera and headed out with the girl. Sadly, the ducks had fled the neighborhood (or were hiding). But I snapped a few photos of things I spotted while we were out.Namely, I loved how new growth still comes up red, and then that same red is in the dead things from last year (below).
For your internet share of the day, check out the photos of this amazing children's library in Oslo. Maybe we'll have to take Ezra some day... And speaking of reading to children, these photos slay me.