my favorite salmon
You guys, I have discovered a salmon recipe that I love. I have known for years and years and years how healthy salmon is and why I should be eating it etc etc etc. But... I just am not wild about how it tastes! And I *want* to be wild about it! I do! But I'm not.Until now.I found this recipe, and I decided to try it because of all the leeks. You guys may or may not know by now how much I adore leeks. Yuuuuummm... And you know what? Something about the leeks and the way it all cooks together makes this way less fishy. It's just divine.
And, unlike most other meats, it even looks pretty when raw! The recipe is below -- enjoy![kindred-recipe id="12840" title="salmon with leeks and lemon"]If you'd like an internet share of the day, how about this refresher on dinner etiquette? Or here is a story about a college student who saved a girl's life on Easter.