

post by leslie

I released this video yesterday about my family film sessions and I worked super hard to get it on my personal Facebook account, my business Facebook account, my personal instagram feed, my personal instagram stories, my business instagram feed and on Twitter. And then I spent the day with my kid. And this morning I woke up and realized I forgot to put it on my own blog! You guys, promoting your business is hard! There's just so much to do!But here it is. I worked very, very hard on making this promo reel, and I hope you like it. I also hope you tell all your friends and relatives and coworkers about this, because I love doing this work so very much and I would treasure more of these jobs.Ezra is on Spring Break this week, so yesterday involved the zoo, playgrounds and ice cream cones. Today will be pancakes and friends and a little cleaning before my parents arrive for a quick visit. In other words, we're busy around these parts!For your internet shares of the day:+ Angels do exist.+ I love Adidas because they fit my feet the best. But this sure doesn't hurt.+ Look at this guide to London! Let's win the lottery and go!+ Dessert for one.