out like kids again

post by leslie

On Friday, I got to shoot what I call the Better Oblivion Whatever Show. The band is *actually* called Better Oblivion Community Center, but I have a hard time remembering that name, so I just call them what I will.But why are they important? Well, I think it's pretty well documented on this site that I am a huge Conor Oberst fan, and so photographing this was super fun. Plus? They covered a Replacements song (!!!) and some old Bright Eyes songs that took me right back to 2001.However, the very best part of the whole shebang was that we were able to score a baby sitter and Jamie got to come with me and we got to pretend it was 2009 again. Except for Saturday morning when my back was all seized up from carrying around my heavy lenses all night because now I'm old. But it was still worth it. To see the full take of photos, go here.And for your internet shares of the day:+ Cat photos? Who am I?+ I left California too early.+ We all know Lake Superior is the best, but Lake Michigan is pretty dang cool right now too.