out scouting


0415hikesmToday was set aside as a scouting day. I have a lot of clients who already live in the west suburbs or who are moving there, and when I'm trying to come up with locations to photograph them in, I'm at a bit of a loss. And frankly, I get lost every time I visit this part of the metro area (including today -- I think I got lost about six times). So it seemed smart to take this 67-degree weather and hit the road, amIright?I threw the vizsla in the car and off we went to explore forests and dog parks. Sadly, the exact kind of location that I dream of finding was not found (but if any of you know of such a place, please share it with me!), but I did find an outstanding new dog park and another great area for hikes etc. And Magda loved the field trip! And I almost stole a 4 month old silver great dane! OMG. The cuteness. (Jamie would have killed me.)For your internet share of the day, this is an amazing art project that I should have thought of. But let's be honest, I would have eaten it all.