percy the baby cow


1019percysmI've been thinking a lot the last couple of days about time. There just isn't enough of it right now.Because my business is so  new, and I want to work as hard as I possibly can to make sure it's a success, I'm having an even harder time than normal saying no. To anything. Any job at all. And it's driving me insane.It's not that the jobs are bad or weird or anything like that -- it's just that the only days I have off this time of year are when I have a booked trip (thank goodness I'm pretty good about keeping those on the calendar). Because I shoot so many families on the weekends (five shoots this weekend, for instance), I don't get those normal days off. But since I work for myself, I'm also really bad about taking time off during the week. In general, I'm constantly working on something.And the reason is fear. I am terrified that my whole business will collapse and fail come January when my client work slows down, and I need to make sure I have enough of a nest egg from this fall to cover the loss. I'm sure all business owners/freelancers feel this way at some point or another -- and I'm certainly no different. But at some point, enough is enough.And today was the day for me. I still am not saying no to jobs, but I'm asking for help more on other tasks and I'm taking a day off. So don't bother me on October 30 (what? That's the soonest I could find that I didn't have an appointment!). I'll be getting my hair done, my brows waxed and having dinner and a long walk with a friend. And besides that? I'll be reading a book and sleeping in. Man, I cannot wait.I would love to know how you guys deal with managing your time and making sure you have enough quiet booked in to remain sane. All tips and pointers are welcome in the comments! For real.But enough about me and my time management issues. How about that sweet face up there? Pretty long eyelashes, eh? This was a calf that was on display at a petting zoo where I had a shoot tonight. The kids I shot were pretty cute, but not quite as cute as Percy here (says the obviously childless animal lover).For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to a chicken recipe by Jamie Oliver. I haven't tried it yet, but it's been open in my browser all day as I keep going back to read it and make a grocery list so I can cook it this weekend. Cooking meat in milk has never sounded good to me, but so many of the reviews and comments on this link are so great that I think I'll try it. Wish me luck!