radical face. that's his name. for real.


1017radicalfacesmThat guy up there? He's one of my very favorite musicians. And I like a LOT of musicians, so for him to be at the top is saying something (or at least I think so). His name is Radical Face, and he barely tours at all. Last night was his first visit to Minneapolis, and I was so, so excited. I went to the show with my buddy Stacy.Stacy mentioned her love of Radical Face a few years ago on Twitter. My exact thought, I believe, was "That name is ridiculous. I'm gonna ignore that." But then I saw her and Astronautalis talking about how Radical Face had helped write some of my very favorite songs on Andy's album, and that made me think twice. So I listened to one song. And it blew me away.And then I told Stacy that I really liked that one song and she immediately emailed me about seven thousand songs of his. Ok, not really. But close. We music nerds? We love to spread the gospel.So that's my internet share today. Your homework is to go and listen to this song. ALL OF YOU. Just play it in the background. I really think you guys will like it. Also, feel free to disregard the video. It's fine, but it's the music I want you to focus on.Anyway, the show last night was amazing. First of all, the opener was a guy who played music on wine glasses filled with water and then sampled and looped them through his music live. Can you even imagine this sound check? It was amazing. His name was Jonny Rodgers. Then Radical Face started and I just went into my happy place. There was beautiful music, fake snow, a yo-yo performance (seriously!) and they ended by covering a song from Disney's Robin Hood movie. What a good time!