So Mondays at the Madhouse is officially over with, but of course I'll give you a few shots from the kid's birthday weekend.But first, I want to tell you about my new goal. Something I'm really trying to work on in my paid gigs is snapping a few photos that don't just document the time I have with clients, but that also capture what it feels like. Does that make sense? I think this is particularly important for family and wedding photos, and I think it takes the photos to a deeper level (not that I always succeed at this! Which is why it's a goal of mine). So my Monday goal is to now show you a photo from my weekend that capture the feeling of that moment for us. The images might be abstract or they might not -- it's a lofty goal, for sure, but I think this blog is a great place to experiment.So! This weekend, we celebrated Ezra's birthday on Friday, and Saturday morning Ezra woke up with a fever. And the fever climbed and climbed and peaked at 102.8 that day. There were a lot of "blankies" and "bunnies" and "wawa" and popsicles. And the photo above captured the feel of our weekend pretty well. It was sweet and snuggly, but also sad because no one wants to spend their birthday weekend like this.And because of the illness, we had to cancel the birthday party on Sunday. We didn't want anyone else getting sick. So below are just a few images from his actual birthday, which was a lot of fun.
Above is the cake that I made for Ezra. Thank you Pinterest for the awesome idea.
And because I thought you might want one more image of the kid's sweet face, here he is stuffing that cute face full of mac'n'cheese for his birthday lunch. Oh, how he loves mac'n'cheese.