seven hours old


06bwwThis morning I got to photograph this little girl who is only SEVEN HOURS OLD in that photo. Omg, she was adorable. Just adorable! And so calm and so alert (wide eyed and curious!). I loved this photo of her brother helping to wash her hair.So how are all you doing? Me? I'm slammed with work and holiday stuff and trying to fit in time with friends and the kid and the dog and such. But really? I'm good. Really good.Surprisingly, I'm not seeing Star Wars this weekend. Crazy, right? I mean, I would like to, but... time. I just don't have it. Except for opening night, and I don't have tickets. So! I'm going to wait and try to catch a matinee next week. But for the rest of you, I hope you love it. And this gave me goosebumps, so it's my internet share of the day. MAKE SURE YOU WATCH UNTIL THE END.