sweet little devil


25wThis lovely girl is named Greta, and man, she was hysterical. She was so ornery during our shoot that frankly, I was surprised she wasn't MY dog. After Memphis and Magda, I have come to realize that I attract only the "most special" girls, and Greta would fit right in with that crew. But I finally got her to calm down and pose, and just for fun I threw on these devil horns (purchased for Magda one year for Halloween). And then she blinked and it looks like she's laughing and I am in love with this photo. Plus, I love all the detail in her salt-and-pepper face. What a cutie!For your internet share today, this story about a volunteer in Minneapolis just reminded me yet again how one person can make a difference and I should maybe work on that and get off my duff. And this column on anti-intellectualism was fascinating and terrifying and yet I saw the truth in it. Sigh.