sexy lady


1211karensmShe's kinda pretty, right? This is Karen, and she is a fabulous singer/performer/comedian/woman/friend that I used to work with a the Star Tribune many moons ago. She came over to the house for some portraits tonight, and I was thrilled to get the chance to photograph such a beaut.In other news today... after the shoot with Karen, I learned that my boys (and girls!) over at Zeus Jones were just featured in the New York Times for opening a San Francisco office! And one of my photos of them ran with the piece! So, you know, no big deal. Just getting a byline in the New York Times. Happens every day (!!!).For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you over to a sweet story about a baby squirrel who was raised in a home with dogs and they are FRIENDS. Magda is dying for me to bring home a dinner friend like that.