this is my life... pinch me.


1212gvhssmSometimes I just have to pinch myself. It was about five years ago that I started Shuttersmack because I was given a digital camera for Christmas, and I wanted to force myself to learn everything about it. I had been shooting film like crazy since 2003 when we got Memphis and Merlin as puppies, and we were fortunate enough to have a rental house with amazing light which made me fall in love with the hobby all over again (I first fell in love with photography in high school).As you can tell from this blog, photographing dogs is about my favorite thing in the world, and today was one of those magical days where I got paid to take images for a major pet food company over at the humane society. I just... I am so fortunate that this risk of going out on my own has worked out so far (knock on wood).This is one of the many outtakes I have of the lovely Miss Meredith working super hard at a) getting the shelter dogs to trust her and b) getting them into position for me. This little guy is named Sparkles, and he's up for adoption RIGHT NOW, so if you are interested you should head over there stat.For my internet share of the day... how about seeing one of my photos in the NEW YORK TIMES?!?! No? Not as excited as I was? Hmmm... ok. How about some awesome photos of giraffes in Africa? Done.