shades of pink


As I was sorting through some old files this week, I stumbled upon these shots I took back in December at our big 3M shoot. I absolutely loved the color palette of this set -- it felt so clean and bright and just lovely, that I had to share a few images.I'm posting this early in the morning today, so I don't have many internet shares yet. Instead, here are a few things I'm enjoying that you might as well.Watching: Man in the High Castle. Season one was fantastic. It's too early for me in season 2 to tell yet, but it is so beautifully filmed. Truly inspiring visually. Truly terrifying politically.Listening: I've been getting a lot of work done while listening to the La La Land soundtrack lately, which is very unlike me.Reading: This might fall into listening since technically I'm hearing the books as I work, but you get the idea. Lately I've enjoyed The Woman in Cabin 10, The Trespasser and Sweetbitter.Want to read: The Nazi Officer's Wife, A Gentleman in Moscow and What Alice Forgot. The waiting lists at the library for these books is insane, so hopefully I'll have them by summer!Eating: Lots of winter root vegetables, mushrooms and tons of soups. Last night I dined at Upton 43 and had a potato chocolate cake with potato ice cream -- it was phenomenal!Artwork I'm admiring: These pieces.Wishing for: The weather to head back up to the 20s so I can walk with Magda some more. And more cozy sweaters. Like this one.Well that ought to give you a few ideas for the weekend! Have a great one!