so very grateful


1127thankssmToday was perfect. I didn't awake until 9:40 or so (thank you so much my sweet husband for stealing the baby away so I could sleep in), then I took a brisk walk and spent the rest of the day snuggling with Ezra and Jamie and Merlin and Magda while watching Kansas basketball and popping into the kitchen to prepare our meal.I am so grateful for my life right now. I am particularly thankful for my amazing husband, my son and his fantastic eating and sleeping habits, and the fact that I get to take photos for a living. It is so wonderful to have a "job" where I get to make people happy by following my own passion. I wish more people could experience this kind of "work."The photo above is of my green bean recipe that I serve at Thanksgiving. This is always my favorite food of the day, and this year was no exception. I even like it better than the pie. I took photos of the preparation today and will be sharing the recipe on Sunday, so make sure you come back for that.No internet share today -- I want to get off the computer and back to my family. You should do the same.