we are losing the war on dog fur


1128merlinsmSo this is Merlin up on the velvet sofa. You can only imagine the battles against dog hair that are happening in our house these days. It is so bad, in fact, that one of our few Black Friday purchases (online only! I'm not going out in that madness!) was a new Dyson vacuum cleaner because the old one is finally giving into the battle against collie fur.Why is it so bad now, you ask? Well, it appears that Merlin in his old age, much like many elderly men, is gaining fur on the inside of his ears, and losing it everywhere else. He's not balding (I don't even think that's possible), but there is some definite thinning going on. And the resulting lost fur is EVERYWHERE.So why on earth would we let him on the velvet sofa? Because it has been months since he has asked to be on the couch. His rear legs are hurting him so much that he can barely climb the 5 stairs to come in and out of the house right now. The fact that he wanted on the sofa today brought us great joy (and we attribute this added strength to the turkey broth on his dinner last night). Of *course* we let this old love up on the couch. This guy? He gets anything he wants these days.For your internet share of the day, I'm showing you the most awesome gift you could get a pregnant friend! Well, besides time with a post-partum doula. Or free babysitting. Or a massage. Ok, nevermind. Don't get this as a gift. Just go admire the amazing design.