sucker for books


0927bookswBecause I am a complete and total sucker for books, of course I order books of my photos all the time. Like every time we finish a great trip. Or every time I go on tour with a band (ok, that was only once, but I *do* have a book). Or every time my kid has a birthday.See, while this blog is an awesome place to hold all my memories of Ezra's first two years, I'm still paranoid that this whole internet thing is just a fad. KIDDING! But I do worry that something might happen someday and I could lose the images I have backed up on two computers, two external hard drives and the cloud. (Paranoid much? Yes, sir!)But beyond being afraid of technology eating my photos, I just like sitting on the couch and looking at books! It's fun! And they are so pretty and easy to make! So the bottom one is from Ezra's first year and the top one is from Ezra's second year. I honestly don't know if I'll have the determination to do one every year of this kid's life, but it sure is fun to flip through.Want your own photo book? I get mine here. I promise they are the best. And yes, I link to them all the time. And no, I don't get anything for it. I just like them that dang much.Now, for your internet shares of the day, things are sparse around these parts! But here are my favorites:+ My friend Sean had this photo taken of him at the airport. I'm not gonna tell you which one Sean is.+ I just read about this book and now I want it. Maybe you do, too?