a few breaths before


ljp_6918wThis weekend, I shot an *amazing* wedding. I know I say that all the time, that this wedding or that wedding was amazing. But this? It barely even felt like work.Every aspect was so gorgeous (the dress, the couple, the light, the venues, hell, even the DISHES) that it all just sort of fell in place. Because the normal day-to-day of wedding stuff was going well, I began pushing myself to capture some under-the-radar emotions. It's easy for me to wrap a couple up in their arms and tell them to chat while I take some photos of them looking lovey-dovey (ok, actually, that's not always as easy as you would think). But I wanted to capture more than just the standard shots. I wanted to capture something that showed what it might feel like to be getting married that day.There were a few images that I thought fit the bill as I went back through my photos today, and one was the image above. This is the bride before her walk down the aisle, and she's fiddling with the rings. I think it capture the very small amount of jitters we all get before a wedding. And it's not always because we're nervous about the whole married part (I know that wasn't the case for me), but for many people it's nerves because of a million other things like getting up in front of 200 people to say your vows or maybe there's some family drama going on or maybe you're worried about that big event/dinner/party you planned that starts in an hour. Regardless of the reason, lots of people have butterflies before saying I do.I thought this image captured that nicely. Also? Wowza, look at that dress!And now for your internet shares of the day:+ These black and white storm photos make me want to chase tornados. + I meant to tell you this last week, but you can now figure out what your Patronus would be. Except mine was a CAT so I think it's all wrong. And if you don't know what this means, you really, really need to read the Harry Potter books, STAT.+ Why having a dog at home and leaving your shoes on will keep you healthier. Also, I'm hoping this works for Ezra who petted the UNDERSIDE of a goat's tail this weekend and then popped his thumb in his mouth as I was reaching for the Purell. Jesus Christ.+ Hotel secrets that are actually quite useful!