sweet waffles


0128wafflessmThis is Waffles, whom you've met before. I was over at Zeus Jones today working on some photos and meeting about some upcoming projects, and this girl here was super excited to see me. Until she realized I forgot to bring dog treats. Then I got this mopey (but adorable) look. Dang I love this pup so much!And speaking of pups... I need some help from you out there in Minneapolis! I have an upcoming project where I need to photograph a dog and a cat together. Like, snuggling or eating together or something. So, they need to LIKE each other. If you have such a rare pair of animals (or know of anyone who does) please, please, please shoot me an email. I promise this project will be SUPER fun! And your animal might get national exposure! But finding the right talent is proving a touch difficult, and I would love your input.For your internet share of the day, this might be my favorite bit of advice I've read about being a parent. I think it would also hold true even if I were not a parent. And the best gem in there is number eleven. But I also like number eight a lot.