thai red curry meatballs
See?! I told you there would still be food around these parts! My Man had a New Year's Resolution to make a spankin' new recipe once a month. And he'd cook it. For me. I love this idea.So this month's recipe was Thai red curry meatballs -- sounds delicious, right? He based it on this recipe here.
We altered it a bit by, um, forgetting to add the cilantro (don't do that -- please add the cilantro) and by switching the lemongrass out for a handful of fresh basil that we threw in at the end. Overall, it was a pretty solid recipe! Honestly, I think I'd just do the whole thing but skip the meatballs and use sauteed shrimp instead (easier and lighter). But this right here was a nice, rich dish for winter.
For your internet share of the day, this made me laugh at my desk. I love the whimsy that I find on the internet. And speaking of whimsy, as I type this I can hear my husband singing falsetto to the kid down in the kitchen. Sometimes parenthood is rad.