the magic of intimacy


This weekend, I shot an amazingly intimate wedding. There were 37 guests, and that means every single person there was a part of this couple's core support network. There were no cousins that the groom hadn't seen in a decade. There were no friends from the mother's book club. These were the people who meant the most to this couple, and it was so, so sweet.Also, because of the tightened guest list, they were able to hold their wedding at their favorite restaurant in town (112 eatery) and Holy Mother of God was that the best meal ever. Just wow. It was truly a magical evening. I cannot wait to show you the rest of the photos (patience, friends).For your internet shares of the day:+ Someone has installed fake signs around the Twin Cities. While I find none of the recent shootings funny (AT ALL), I do think this excuse of "the policemen were startled" to be ridiculous. It's one thing if I'm startled and shoot someone (point number 4,587 why I wouldn't carry a gun), but it's another thing when a trained police officer (a profession which requires bravery) uses that excuse.+ A trick to make you lose your fear of flying while in flight.+ A great way to save your money.