vacation photos
I thought I'd use today to show you some of our family vacation photos from up north. I know I don't feature Ezra on the blog nearly as much as I used to (nor Magda!), and I thought this would be a good check-in.Right across from the cabin was this public beach. Ezra did his best to return all of the rocks to Lake Superior, but as you can see, it's quite a project. Hopefully one that will keep him occupied for years to come.
Remember that foggy morning? Believe it or not, there's a huge buoy at the end of this breaker. Not that you can see it.
Here are my boys exploring the rocky shore.
Here, Ezra learns how to open a pistachio nut. He loved them! (Duh)
A few shots of me and the boy. Your welcome.
Ezra saw a young man climb this rock wall and hike off into the distance. So of course he wanted to try.
And that's about it!I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead, and here are some internet shares of the day!+ A great summer dessert recipe.+ Some beautiful paintings for your wall.+ My next photo project. You think I'm joking.